Anyone can be victimized by domestic violence, but not everyone who claims to be a victim actually is. In many cases, the accuser is acting for the wrong reasons and not to protect him or herself. To make matters worse, this is such a highly publicized issue that the person who made the accusations will often be ignored if he or she asks to drop the charges later on. Although this policy was intended to help protect battered children and spouses from being intimidated into withdrawing their accusations, it also means the police must move forward on many illegitimate domestic abuse cases. If you have been accused of family violence, please call our offices and schedule a free initial consultation with a top Houston criminal attorney.
Sometimes cases involving children can be the worst because the issue is so serious and while few people question a child’s accusation, many will not accept that a child lied and will automatically think he or she is only recanting to keep the family together. Unfortunately, there have been many cases where children have lied about abuse to get attention or as a way to punish the parents for doing something the child did not agree with. Just because your child accused you of abuse does not mean you cannot fight the charges. Please speak with a Houston criminal lawyer as soon as possible.
Matters with spouses are often much easier to defend against, because they often have something to gain through the accusations. If your Houston criminal attorney can show the spouse could have been lying to get the upper hand in a divorce situation or for any other reason, you may be found innocent of the charges.
If the accusations are valid, we will still argue for minimum sentencing by proving that you want to attend rehabilitation and anger management sessions to help improve your family. When your Houston criminal lawyer can show that incarceration will hurt your family more than help it, many juries and judges will be sympathetic to your family’s needs and desires.